Thank God for New York City Poem
When it snows hard it makes me witty
I see there is no respite which is quite right
Too much slush and we become like a lush
Because order is gone and we are no longer strong
Fortunately this is not prolonged
Because our government is good
Yes, even in the hood
City streets are cleaned for our walking feet
Our cars can drive; and not just the elite
We are treated like stars and the response does not come from Mars by taking days putting us in a skeptical haze
No, City Hall does not stall and let us fall
Their reaction is action galore hitting every neighborhood door to door
Seeing what is needed to restore life as we expect before the winter gives us more than a pain in the neck
So, what the heck! We’re all in this train wreck together because of the adverse weather
So much was done right to minimize our fright
We didn’t lose power; that could have been torture hour to hour
No one missed taking a hot shower; or else there would have been a collective holler
So there’s no need for self pity
Thank God for New York City