Vintage ads, such as the Coca Cola ad to the rear of the car, adorn the 1930s era subway cars which are providing today’s passengers a chance to travel back in time. The vintage cars run on Sundays only. ( Photo: Ralph Spielman) Time Travel Treat for DT and UES Sunday Subway Riders; Metro North Gets into Spirit too Nostalgia trains are riding again, every Sunday on the New York City subway lines and now Metro North is getting into the... News 04 Dec 2024 | 05:37
The Nostalgia Train looped around the Old City Hall Station, much as the inaugural subway did in its first run on October 27 1904. The station is no longer used by regular passenger-carrying subway trains, one of many “ghost stations” that the four-train nostaglia train visited last weekend. ( Photo: Ralph Spielman) “Ghost Stations” on Itinerary As Nostalgia Train Hauls Subway Passengers Back in Time Five hundred lucky New Yorkers took a trip back in time last weekend on a special four-train nostalgia ride that included... News 28 Oct 2024 | 12:46