Ninety four percent of Americans say they snack at least once a day and pears are real great source of vitamin C and fiber. Just don’t eat the pits. Photo: USA Pears Pears Make a Perfect Winter Snack Peaches say summer. Apples fit fall. Pears are a winter wonder. Pears are a nutrient-dense, fat free food, an excellent source... News 12 Jan 2024 | 01:13
Calcium rich milk with a cookie that does not contain chocolate can be a good late night snack to help induce sleep. Photo: Ponafotkas/Wikimedia Commons Here’s What You Need to Know About Sleep Friendly Snacks You’re about to turn in for the night when you realize you’re hungry. Yes, you know, you’re about three hours past the time... News 01 Dec 2023 | 02:09
Studies show that the darker the chocolate, the higher the content of dangerous metals including lead and cadmium. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Dark Chocolates May Contain Higher Levels of Dangerous Metals Chocoholics of the world: your passion is suddenly problematic. No, it’s not the same old sugar-turns-into-fat thing. This... News 24 Nov 2023 | 12:33
When it comes to meal time, new studies show it’s best if chow down on vegetables first before touching meats, or bread. Photo: Wikimedia Commons In the New Food Order, Eating Veggies First Takes on New Urgency Your mom probably always urged you to: “Eat your veggies.” Food researcher Domenico Tricò at the University of Pisa’s is... News 20 Oct 2023 | 11:51
There are a wide number of government agency web sites to gauge healthy foods. Photo: National Cancer Institute We Tell You Where to Find the Best Sites to Build a Healthy Diet In case you missed the memo, October is Health Literacy Month, a term USDA defines as “the degree to which individuals have... News 13 Oct 2023 | 02:50
Popeye the sailor man was an early cartoon advocate for healthy diets. Seen here in a photo from the movie “Popeye Meets Ali Baba’s Forty Thieves.” Photo: David Fleischer/Wikimedia Commons ( David Fleischer) Popeye Was on to Something: Iron Clad Nutrition Remember Popeye the Sailor Man? You know, the guy who was “strong to the ‘finich’, “cause I eats me spinach.” He first... News 06 Oct 2023 | 02:02
A diet that has a heavy emphasis on beans and grains, such as most Latin cuisines, can result in a body weight that is seven pounds lighter than an individual whose diet favors red meat, the CDC has found in one study. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Latin Cuisine with Heavy Emphasis on Beans and Grains Can Yield a Healthier Body Weight Every year, Americans celebrate 311 Commemorative Months named for subjects ranging from the serious such as Sickle Cell... News 08 Sep 2023 | 01:19
Tomatoes reached Europe from the New World in the 16th Century and became staples of Spanish and Italian cuisine. Today researchers say they are nutrition stars, packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants. ( Wikimedia Commons) Tomatoes Spread from New World to Europe Are Nutrition Stars Today The tomato is so much a part of Italian and Spanish cuisine that you may be surprised to learn that it is actually a New... News 18 Aug 2023 | 10:36
Will this meal still be healthy when new guidelines come out? The US Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Servicces agencies are already starting to mull what to add or subtract from its next “Dietary Guidelines for Americans.” Photo: Bill Branson, National Cancer Institute Will New Diet Guidelines Tip Over the Family Dinner Table? Every five years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) get together to publish Dietary... News 11 Aug 2023 | 01:00
Roquefort cheese is one of the foods that are enhanced by mold. but in other food groups, it can very bad for you. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Mold is Good for Cheese (sometimes) But Not When It Comes to Bread, Cake or Jam Is your bread sprouting green spots? Have some of your strawberries grown fur? Does your cheddar have patches of white?... News 07 Jul 2023 | 04:54
Greenwich Village resident Melissa Darow advises patients on not only eating habits but lifestyle practices like nightly routines, self-care and exercise in her role as a dietician at Nao Medical. The city wide health care chain added nutrition to its core services early last year when Darow joined. Photo: Rachel Eun Ko, Nao Medical ( RACHEL EUN KO) Giving New Yorkers Food for Thought: Nutrition Plays Bigger Role in Health Care Registered dietician nutritionist Melissa Darlow dishes on her work at Nao Medical, her milk of choice and the benefits of... News 08 Feb 2023 | 07:05
Five Food Facts for People Past 50 Food is food, but when you hit 50, the age AARP once arbitrarily labeled the threshold to “older,” your body begins to change... Senior Living Guide 11 Jul 2021 | 09:41
Talking Turkey Remember that yummy roasted Thanksgiving turkey? Remember falling asleep after finishing the feast? Get ready for a re-run... Newsletter 13 Dec 2019 | 01:19
Trump’s DOT Head Rips Hochul Handling of Subways, Calls System a ‘Shithole’