UES Subway Shooter Indicted for Attempted Murder of Good Samaritan

Steven Sylvester, 34, attempted to shoot a fellow 4-train passenger and ended up shooting another. He’s since been indicted and charged on five counts of attempted murder, assault, and weapon possession.

| 24 Jun 2024 | 06:49

The man responsible for shooting an innocent bystander on a northbound 4-train in early June was indicted, announced D.A. Alvin Bragg, Jr. on June 24.

Steven Sylvester, 34, was on the 4-train at 86th St. and Lexington Ave. station at 2:25 am on June 2.

A 35-year-old passenger noticed Sylvester get into a physical altercation with his girlfriend, and tried to intervene by grabbing him from behind. Upon the intervention, Sylvester pulled out a firearm and attempted to shoot the Good Samaritan on the subway car. The bullet missed him and ricocheted off the train window, striking 32-year-old Fabius Foster as he entered the car. Foster suffered a gunshot wound on his left hand and graze wounds on his torso.

Sylvester fled the station and was arrested four days later on June 6. Police searched his apartment and found clothes he was seen wearing at the time of the incident, as well as bullets that matched the type fired during the altercation.

He was arraigned in criminal court on June 8 and charged with Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, Attempted Assault in the First Degree, two counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, and Assault in the Second Degree.

“This alleged conduct is very serious and put fellow subway riders at risk of being injured,” said D.A. Bragg on June 24.

“We will continue holding people accountable who misuse our transit system as a hub for dangerous weapons and violence and I wish the victim a speedy recovery.”

Sylvester’s bail is set at $1 million cash or $2 million bond. He is currently in jail at a facility on Rikers Island.