Herald Sq. Stabber Suspect Arrested, Victim Says He Was Attacked After Perp Asked For $

Seventy-six year-old Iqbal Ahmed claims that he was stabbed in the left shoulder by David Trotman after he had refused a plea for money by the thirty-eight year-old. The alleged incident occurred on the steps down to the subway station, where Ahmed was hoping to catch a train back to Brooklyn. He survived the August 13 incident after stumbling to an MTA booth and being rushed to Bellevue for surgery. Trotman was arrested and charged with assault.

| 20 Aug 2023 | 11:09

A man asking for money reportedly stabbed a senior citizen on the steps into the 34 St.-Harold Sq. subway on Sunday, August 13.

“There was blood everywhere,” recalled seventy-six year-old Iqbal Ahmed, recalling the out-of-the-blue attack on a GoFundMe Page he started to pay for his medical expenses. “He stabbed me in the torso and I bled profusely,” he added.

Thirty-eight year-old David Trotman, who allegedly attacked Ahmed, was arrested and booked on an assault charge by cops the following day.

Ahmed is recuperating in Bellevue, where he was rushed after the assault. He claims that he had rebuffed Trotman’s request.

“The only thing I remember is walking away and feeling a sharp pain in my torso.... I am now in Bellevue Hospital. I live alone and have no family to turn to. I am hoping that my fellow New Yorkers can help me in my time of need,” Ahmed concluded on his donation page. As of Aug. 16, he had raised over $11,000.

Asked for comment during a perp walk out of the NYPD Transit Bureau at Columbus Circle, Trotman reportedly told the Daily News to “lick my nuts, bozo.”

“He stabbed me in the torso and I bled profusely.” Iqbal Ahmed, stabbing victim